
Well, after spending all day worrying about a food shortage at the annual spoonerism contest...

it turns out it was just a lack of pies!

There was a Chinese man who was obsessed with spoonerisms

He loved drinking chai tea and doing tai chi.

A pun, a limerick, and a spoonerism walk into a bar...

... no joke.

Somebody asked me what a spoonerism was....

I haven't got a cooking flue.

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A guy with some cockroach-infested bread, an aptitude for puns, and a propensity for spoonerisms walks into a bar.

"I have the pest buns," he says to the barman.

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I always thought Friar Tuck was a religious man.

Now I realise the dirty bastard just likes spoonerisms.

Pirate captain's red shirt.

A man wanted to become a pirate so he joined a crew. Over time he ended up becoming first mate under an infamous captain. One evening a rival ship issued a challenge. The captain asked his first mate to grab his red shirt. He grabbed the shirt and they fought their rival and won. The next day two sh...

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