aromaodorodourstinkfragrancesmellymalodorfetorwash themnasuteacriditysnuffmalodoroussensechemoreceptor

What tastes good but doesn't smell good?

A tongue.


How much energy does it take to make a bathroom smell good?

About 3 Juuls

To smell good while aboard the ISS, astronauts wear ...

Old Space.

AXE products claim if you smell good, women will be all over you, but that can't be right

I've never had any problems with my nose and I'm still single.

Sitting at a bar and a friend leans quite close to me as she get up to go to the washroom. Jees, Bill you smell good. What have you go on?

Actually, I have a hard on but I didn't know you could smell it!

People are like onions They make me cry

but they smell good when they're cooking

My wife has a sinus condition that suppresses her ability to detect odors

But she gets offended when I tell people that she doesn't smell good.

A young couple were in a car parked on Lovers Lane...

A young couple were in a car parked on Lovers Lane when the young man turned admiringly to his pretty date and said, “Wow, you smell good. You wearing perfume or something?”

The girl blushed charmingly and confessed that she was wearing a new perfume that she’d bought especially with him in m...

Women are like bacon.

They look good, they smell good, they taste good, and they slowly kill you.

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Women are like roses

They look and smell good but if you touch them wrong they’ll fucking stab you

Women are like candles

They may be warm and smell good, but they’ll burn your house down if you don’t pay enough attention to them.

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A man was cleaning his gun and his grandson asked if he could help

The grandfather replied, "Can your dick touch your ass?" " Well, no. " replied the grandson
The next day the grandfather was skinning a deer and his grandson asked if he could help. The grandfather asked, "Can your dick touch your ass?" Once again the grandson said no.
The next day the young ...

I got slapped at the club the other day

I went dancing at a local club, hoping to get a little action since it's been a while. I met this gorgeous girl and asked her to dance, a little emboldened by the alcohol. After the first song with her body so close to mine, she leans in and says "You smell good! Whatcha got on?"

I said, "Wel...

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