hornblendephyllitemetamorphic rockmicafeldspargarnetmineralshalegraphitetalcquartzbiotitegneissquartzitebasalt

Itโ€™s important not to confuse metamorphic with igneous rock

After all, you canโ€™t just take this schist for granite.

A Geologist stubs his toe


A Geologist from Alabama could tell you the chronological order of Sandstone Layers, but not their exact ages

You could see they're into Relative Dating.



I know you expected that punchline. My apologies, when I'm under pressure my sediment jokes turn a little schist.

Please stay gneiss in the comments.

This joke may contain profanity. ๐Ÿค”

Geologists may not always get along, but when the schist hits the fan...

Its coarse-grained, metamorphic layers can be split into thin irregular plates from the impact.

It turns out that it really would be a good idea to add Trump's face to mount Rushmore because of geology.

It turns out the entire mountain is made of Schist.

A high schooler told his geology teacher that..

"geology rocks!"

The teacher's response?

"that's Gneiss, but it's too bad you're so schist at it"


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