
The Millenium Falcon is taking off...

Han Solo asks C3PO to give him a countdown, and C3PO says..


Han interrupts him and asks what the heck he's doing.

C3 says "You told me to never tell you the odds"

Why is therapy so expensive in the 41st Millenium?

Because The Emperor Projects!

A man finds God and asked

Man: "God... How long is a millenium to you?"

God: " 1 second "

Man: "God.... How much is a billion dollars to you?"

God: " A penny "

The man started stroking his chin and got an idea.

Man: "God.... Can you lend me a penny?"

God: " Sure.... Just give me ...

A Star Wars Joke(No Spoilers)

Why was Han yelling at Chewbacca on their first day on the Millenium Falcon?



Because Chewie was making too many wookie mistakes!

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

I recently traveled through time to hook-up with Queen Victoria, the famous nympho-queen of England in the late 1800's.

I was stunned to find out that she wanted me adorned in the latest fashions before we consummated our tri-millenium tryst. She made me wait until I grew large mutton-chop side-burns and a moustache. It took like three weeks. Meanwhile, she had a high fastening and tight fitting frock coat cut to ...

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