A first-grade teacher can’t believe her student isn’t hepped-up about the Super Bowl. “It’s a huge event. Why aren’t you excited?”
“Because I’m not a football fan. My parents love basketball, so I do too,” says the student.
“Well, that’s a lousy reason,” says the teacher. “What if your...
I saw two diseases drinking some soda
It was Hep C and Ebola sharing a Pepsi cola
I walked into a blood bank and asked the nurse for a glass of Hepatitis B.
"Sorry," she said, "is HepC okay?"
Went to a restaurant last night
I was a little worried because of it being so soon after the reopening. Sure all the sat tables were pretty well spaced out, but I was still nervous.
The waitress came over and gave us the standard greeting and asked us we wanted anything to drink, but I was still thinking about my health ...
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