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Some People Believe...

Some people believe that the best pizza is from New York. Some believe that pizza from Chicago is best. Others believe that the best pizza is from Italy. However, according to the most recent findings, the *best* pizza may have been lost to the ages. New archeological findings suggest that the golde...

What is a pirate's favorite letter

A letter of marque and reprisal, which granted treatment as a prisoner of war if captured, provided the former pirate turn over a proportion of his prizes to the issuing government. Used as a convenient way for otherwise underprepared belligerent nations to expand their navies in times of war, lette...

After years of working his way up through the Dove Soap Company, Jedidiah Kermin was finally promoted to CEO.

Jeb was ecstatic and ready to lead the company into a new golden age of soap making. He was determined to shake up the industry and leave a true legacy for himself. So he went to product development and told them that what Dove needed was to make a soap that could clean people faster than any other ...

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