Two men are sitting next to each other at the bar well into their drinking. The first man says to the bartender, in a thick Irish accent, “Sir, another shot of your finest whiskey!” The second man looks at the first and says, with an equally thick accent, “Well I’ll be, by chance do you come from Ir...
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A shipwrecked Scotsman is rescued by a Royal Navy destroyer
...he is taken to the sick bay where a beautiful young nurse is waiting.
"Our Captain wanted me to tell that he is from Aberdeen and wants his countryman to be receive the best of care. How long has it been since you had a drink of Whisky?"
"Five long years my dear." The Scotsman rep...
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Four students are asked what they wanted to be when they grew up
1st student: I want to be a teacher, so I can teach my fellow countrymen
2nd student: I want to be a doctor, so I can cure my fellow countrymen
3rd student: I want to be a lawyer, so I can protect my fellow countrymen
4th student: I want to be a countryman
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So there’s this news reporter...
So one day, a man’s boss comes to him and tells him “John, I want you to go out and find some stories about fun things people can do in the country side.” So John packs up his gear and heads out of the city to try and find something to report on.
He drives along all day scouring the country ...
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