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If I had a dollar for every downvote EA"s comment gets....

I would have enough money to unlock half of the Battlefront 2 heroes without having to grind them.

Black Friday sale on Star Wars Battlefront 2

Save up to $2160 by not buying it

Have you heard about the PR disaster at EA over Battlefront 2?

*60,000 credits*

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

My sex life is like Star Wars Battlefront 2

I'm paying for a lot of shit.

I heard that Battlefront II removed microtransactions.

I guess you can say the game is Crystal clear.

I'm sick and tired of EA's microtransaction on Battlefront 2.

An old habit never DICE, I guess.

What do you call a Battlefront without EA?


What do you get when you combine Battlefront II with the internet of 2018?

Pai to play

What's the difference between the Justice League reshoots and unlocking all the heroes in Battlefront 2?

One was only slightly cheaper than the other.

Before EA announced their plans for SW:Battlefront 2, I was pretty sure they were just a greedy company. That now has changed.

Now I am definitely sure they are just a greedy company.

People are complaining that games are too short but

New Battlefront has 4500 hours of gameplay and people are still complaining!

Gamers say video games don't encourage violence.

Yet this new Star Wars Battlefront has got everyone wielding pitchforks.

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