requestaskask forcall forinviteinterrogatequerybegquestiondemandwhyquestinquireinterrogatorchallenge

why didn't 4 ask out 5?

Because 4 was 2²

Which angle are you most likely to ask out on a date?

Acute angle.

Q. What's the best kind of triangle to ask out on a date?

A. Acute Triangle

I finally got the nerve to ask out the hot French exchange student...

But for some reason, instead of answering, she commented on my recent growth spurt.

But her English isn't so good and I had to correct her.

"No no," I said, "there is no 'ARE' in the sentence. It is just 'You grew some'."

Once I was ask out by 7 girls

The whole school saw it, I was even surrounded by the staff.

I was in the girls bathroom

A young man tells his father he's going to ask out the girl next door.

A young man tells his father he's going to ask out the girl next door. His father looks grave and says "You can't. I've never told anyone this, but you need to know ... many years ago I had an affair with her mother, and, well..." Horrified, the young man runs out of the room where his mother as...

I've been trying to sum up the courage to ask out my crush.

I've gotten to the point where I can now look into her eyes and not be nervous!

Next step: Do it without binoculars.

A man decides to ask out the quiet girl from town...

He shows up to her home and asks her mother to call for her. The only thing to do in their small town is a carnival in town so after a long quiet drive they make it to the fair. After walking around not talking the man, frustrated, asks her, "What did you have in mind for tonight?" She responds, "we...

The women i ask out always call me ugly, until they hear how much money i make.

Then they call me poor and ugly

I tried to ask out a hot girl yesterday, but she said she had a boyfriend...

I said I had a math test.

She was a bit confused, so I said "I thought we were naming things we could cheat on."

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