
TIL that I was born exactly 9 months after my Dad's 32nd birthday...

and my mom gives awful birthday gifts.
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Today is my 32nd birthday...

I am only celebrating for half a minute.
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My girlfriend told me I’m her 32nd lover...

It turns out what she really meant was I’m her thirty second lover...
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Happy December 32nd!

Trump just filed a suit to officially make December four years long.
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Couple punks tried to tell me it was March 32nd.

I replied, “It’s April, fools”
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My girlfriend gave me a list of things she'd like to do for her 32nd birthday...

I told her there's no way we could do all that in 30 seconds.
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This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

The 32nd floor window

A young women just steps out of the shower and enters into her bedroom still naked, as it was the 32nd floor of a very tall building. But to her astonishment, she found a man in uniform, suspended in a steel rope and standing on a metal platform, wiping the window of her bedroom from the other side....

A blonde, a bunette, and a ginger.

They all were at the gate of heaven. An angel told them that on each step they were told one of satan's jokes and if you laugh they go to hell, there were 100 steps. On the 32nd step the brunette laughed. On the 78th step the ginger laughed. The blonde got up to the 98th step but then laughed. ...
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Throwback to elementary school:

Three people were on a game show where there were 100 stairs. On each stair, they were told a joke. If they could get through all of the stairs without laughing, they would win a million dollars.

The three contestants were a Brilliant scientist, a successful lawyer, and an ordinary person who...
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idiot kiwi joke

A Chinaman, a German and a Kiwi are working on a high rise
construction site.
At lunch time, they sat down together and opened their
lunchboxes. The Chinaman looked inside and said, "Ah, if I get
dumpling again, I gonna jump off the building". The German looked
inside and said, "Mann,...
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Irish Pub In Midtown Manhattan Is On Fire

An Irish pub on 32nd street caught fire one day. Smoke and flames were seen billowing out of the windows and threatening the nearby businesses. Firefighters arrived on the scene within 10 minutes but the fire had spread so rapidly from all the wood (and booze I suppose), and the building was complet...
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A blonde, brunette, and a redhead...

all die and go to heaven. Before they are allowed in God appears to them and says, "As you can see there are 100 steps leading to heaven; at each step you will hear a different joke. If you laugh then you will not be allowed to enter." All three women agree to this and go forth. On the first step Go...
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3 men die and go to heaven. (different joke)

They arrive at the gates of heaven. St. Peter says, "To determine whether you get to enter heaven or hell, you must state how you died.
The first man steps forward and says,"Well, I was on my balcony of my 32nd story apartment. I was leaning on the railing, and it snapped off. I fell down, and...
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