black pantherheliopolitansbastetearthtanzaniaburundiugandakenyaethiopialesothomarvel comicsthothfantastic fourptahstan lee

I saw Black Panther 2 without knowing anything about it.

I had no idea Wakanda movie it was.
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Ordered some chicken nuggies at McDonalds. Drive through lady says: "Wakanda sauce"

This was right around the time Black Panther had come out so I go "hell yea I'll try that !"

She gon come back: SIR....... WHAT. KIND. OF. SAUCE.
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What type of bread do they eat for Rosh Hashanah in Wakanda?

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What do women from Wakanda wear?

Black Panthies
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What is Wakanda's national dish?

Fried T'Chicken
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What do you get if you cross the king of Wakanda with a traditional Jewish baked good?

T’challah bread
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Knock Knock

Who's there?


Wakanda who?

Wakanda bell do you have, it don't work
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The Heart-Shaped Herb has been responsible for granting superhuman powers to every King of Wakanda in the line.

It blessed the reigns down in Africa.
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The Black Panther is starting a landscaping and sod business.

He’s calling it Wakanda Grass.

I was on the street, and saw someone making a black panther joke

Wakanda person does he think he is?
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Went to go see Black Panther today

And the employee at the concession stand asked wakanda snacks i wanted
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What does Black Panther say when he sees something dumb?

Wakanda nonsense is this?
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What does T'challa put on his hot dog?

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The King of the magical land Wakanda invited the President of the United States and the Queen of Britain to visit.

When they arrived, the Royal Guide of Wakanda brought them to the Palace.
"I should warn you, the beauty and luxury you will see is unparalleled." he said.
They both snorted haughtily. Surely this third-world country couldn't compete with their own riches.

But when they entered, they we...
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Black Panther walks into a racist bar...

"Wakanda shit is this?"

If Black Panther was a Pokemon, Ash would ask him...

Wakanda Pokemon are you?
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I was ordering food for the cast of Black Panther. I asked if they liked pizza.

They said, “It depends. Wakanda pizza?”
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How do people from fake African nations play Limbo?

Same as everyone else, they Wakanda the stick.
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T’challa is so weird...

Like really Wakanda name is that?
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Have you seen Black Panther?

Wakanda question is that?

Sorry if repost, this just hit me. Couldn’t find it by searching on my phone.
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I saw a girl wearing a Black Panther shirt today.

So I walk up to her and say, "Hey girl, Wakanda music do you listen to?"
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What did T'Challa ask Tony Stark about his suit?

Wakanda suit do?
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