
This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

China’s lack of transparency on virus is fuelling rumors: US experts

It’s basically all this he said Xi said bullshit.

I had an interviewer at a company called Transparency, but I didn't get the job.

Apparently I didn't speak clearly enough.

The sunglasses I ordered were much darker than advertised.

I blame a lack of transparency

Why do we need Trans visibility day?

Isn't that against the whole point of transparency?

What do the FBI and MS Paint have in common?

They don't support transparency.

My dad is pretty open about his cross dressing habits, and willing to share with anyone that asks.

He's well known for his transparency.

Trump's first scandal.

Trump has had his first scandal. According to CNN, Donald Trump has gone to a private dinner with his family without alerting the press core. They've called this 'A dangerous breach of protocol and lack of transparency'.

I guess they're worried that he may have given some classified infor...

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