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Public speaking is the #1 fear of the average person. #2 is death.

This means that at a funeral, more people would rather be in the casket than doing the eulogy.

-Jerry Seinfeld

Did you know there are public speaking potatoes?

Nothing special really, they're just commentaters.

The last time I did any public speaking was the valedictorian speech in high school.

I was the one yelling “You suck!” from the back.

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Need a joke to tell my Public Speaking class this Monday..

Can be as crude as you want, but no racist or sexist jokes.

I was trying to get over my fear of public speaking at a nudist colony.

I just imagined everyone with their clothes on.

The most important element of public speaking?


Today I conquered my fear of public speaking and gave a rousing, powerful speech about how nobody likes a quitter.

...aaaand they kicked me out of the 12-step program.

Have you heard about the judge who left his job to become a public speaking instructor?

He progressed from reading sentences to entire paragraphs.

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No Speech Therapy for him (NSFWish)

A man came to the doctor's office, frustrated and tired. He says," D-d-doc, I have this sp-peech problem. I've ha-d-d it all my life and it's ma-making me miserable. I c-can't speak in public. I have trouble in business me-meetings a-a-nd it's affecting my family now. P-p-please help Doc"

So ...

Need a good joke for a presentation

I'm in a toast-masters-like public speaking class and for an upcoming class, I have to be a 'jokester' and tell a joke before I do my little talk. I'll be browsing through this subreddit for ideas, but if you all have any that goes well in front of a small audience in person, please share!

I told my wife how nervous I was about hosting the talk on unhealthy relationships.

"I'm terrified of public speaking," I told her, "but my friend gave me a good tip: he said I should imagine the crowd naked."

My wife said, "No, you're only allowed to imagine me naked."

I took a public speaking class in college.

I did a presentation about Free Speech. It was mostly just about the website where I downloaded my speech.

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A Man Goes to the Circus

A man goes to the circus. It's his first time, and he's pretty nervous about it. During an intermission, one of the clowns approaches the microphone and says "We are giving a special prize to the person sitting in section A, Row 12, seat D."

It's the man! He stands up, very nervous, and the c...

TIL that Martin Luther King Jr got a C in public speaking

Look where it got him.


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