
A Russian had a talking parrot that constantly trashed Putin. When the man's friends came over he'd take out the parrot and bird would stuff like "Putin is a moron", "Putin without a shirt looks like a ballerina", and "Putin cannot swim cuz sh!t floats". one day banging on the door, "KGB open up!"

The man panics and hides the parrot in the freezer. The KGB ransack the house and can't find the parrot. After they leave the man takes the parrot out of the freezer and says "you see how stupid the government is". The parrot shaking start saying "Putin is a genius", and "Putin is the best democrati...
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I always ask what LGBT stands for...

But i never get a straight answer.

Ps: I'm very aware of its meaning(since im very gay).

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Karen loves astrology

Karen: Doctor, I've not been feeling well lately

Doctor: Well, I've looked at your lab reports and I'm afraid I have some bad news...

Karen: Don't give me this lab nonsense, you bureaucratic paper pusher! I don't believe Western medicine anyways! I've been following homeopathic medicin...

Inflation in the US is so bad right now that…

- My friend received a predeclined credit card in the mail.
- CEO's are now playing miniature golf.
- Exxon-Mobil laid off 25 Congressmen.
- McDonald's is selling the 1/4 ouncer.
- Angelina Jolie adopted a child from America.
- Parents in Beverly Hills fired their nannies and learned ...
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A very religious man went on a safari

When he was there, he found a huge lion. The man didn't have a gun and there was no way he could outrun the lion. So, he did the only thing he could do. He got on his knees and prayed "Dear God, I was always a good Christian. Will you perform a miracle and give this lion some christian feelings"....
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Where would you park your camel?

The Camelot.

PS Booze helped with this and now I'm laughing alone in my apartment
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Did you hear Pantene recalled all of their women’s shampoo?

Biden said if elected he will personally sniff out this situation.

PS, before spamming my inbox I’m a Democrat that just likes a good joke.
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An Irishman and an Englishman walk in to a bakery

The Englishman steals 3 buns and puts them into his pockets. He says to the Irishman, "That took great skill and guile to steal those buns. The owner didn't even see me."

The Irishman replies, "That's just simple thievery. I'll show you how to do it the honest way and get the same results."...
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A man cheats with his wife's sister

Man: Calm down! You haven't heard my side of the story!

Wife: You slept with my sister!

Man: When i got to work she was just laying there naked on my table! What was I supposed to do?!

Wife: The autopsy!

PS: Didnt make this up
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My 4 yr Old son said "Daddy, why do people make up things that their children have said for social media?

Isn't it just inherently dishonest and indicative of inability to construct a compelling narrative themselves? "

Ps: This sub in a nutshell
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What do you call a really long metaphor?

It's like, a metafive

PS I made this up myself and I'm really proud of it
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a bear and a rebbit smoking a joint

A bear was smoking a joint, leaning on a tree when a rabbit came by. Bear saw the rabbit and invited him to smoke along, and rabbit joined.

After the they smoked one, the bear who was preaty high already asled the rabbit,

Bear: do you feel anything?
Rabbit: no
Bear: hmm, lets smo...

A Father Notices His Son's Bedroom Is Spotless, Then Finds An Envelope

A father passing by his son's bedroom was astonished to see that his bed was nicely made and everything was picked up. Then he saw an Envelope, propped up prominently on the pillow that was addressed to 'Dad.'

With the worst premonition he opened the envelope with trembling hands and read the...
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my great grandmother got me a ps4 for christmas

my so-so grandmother got me socks
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What kind of game system does a cat play?

Ps ps ps ps ps
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A old man as a pet mongoose who gives birth.

Deciding he can't look after the mongoose and the pup he decides to donate them to the zoo and writes a letter to explain.

Dear zoo,

I would like to donate two ~~mongooses~~ ~~mongeeses~~ ~~mongi~~




Dear zoo,

I would like to donate one mo...
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A young Japanese man was fleeing war

He ended in front of a Buddhist temple. He was granted access to this beautiful place and after a few weeks he saw the oldest high priest planting a tree.
He asked the old priest what is he doing. Priest said that the tree would cast a cooling shadow in the midst of the hottest summer when fully...

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I bought my son a trampoline for his birthday...

But all the little shit did was sit in his wheelchair and cry.

PS:Not sure if this one has been on here before or not, a friend told it to me and I thought it should go here.

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Man goes on vacation

An Illinois man left the snowballed streets of Chicago for a vacation in Florida.

His wife was on a business trip and was planning to meet him there the next day.

When he reached his hotel, he decided to send his wife a quick e-mail.

Unable to find the scrap of paper on which he...

In his later years, the Lone Ranger and Tonto were catching up on old times. After awhile the Lone Ranger paused and said “I have some sad news.”

“Tell me, old friend” said the faithful Tonto.

“Well...I recently was diagnosed with Cancer”

“Bad spirits,” replied his old companion.

The Lone Ranger look off into the distance for a minute. “After all your years of wisdom, what do you think I should do?”

“Chemo, s...
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How are a push-up-bra and a bag of chips alike?

It is only when you open them, that you realise they are halfway empty.

*PS: i work in a chips factory and i know the reason why the bags contain so much air*
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A little boy calls his best friend on Christmas day...

“HEY! So what did you get for Christmas?” The second little boy pauses and says “well I got a gift card and a t-shirt…you?”

The first little boy excitedly replies ”Oh man, I got a new scooter, a new 3DS XL. A PS Vita. A new bike and were going to Disneyland on Friday. Can’t believe all you g...
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Why did the Proud Boys beat up the quantum computer?

Because it's non-binary.

PS Someone else has probably already thought of this but hey, I thought I'd post it anyway.
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First five days

First five days after the weekend are the worst...

Ps. hope it's not a repost, couldnt find it with search function
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Infidelity upgraded

A couple in the Philippines is celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. When their guests left, they started talking privately.

Husband: It's been 25 years since we exchanged our vows. Was there a time that you cheated on me?

Wife: My guilt haunts me, but now I'm willing to confess....
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My wife suggested I get one of those penis enlargers...

... So, I did. She's 21 and her name is Megan.

PS: Even though the joke is in first person, nobody told me to get a penis enlarger.

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That one was a violation!

Him: Hey, girl ... I want to get into your pants!

(\*looks at his friends thinking he has done something great\*)

Her: Sorry I already have one asshole in my pants

(\*PS: plz don't hate me ... I do not have a good sense of humour \*)

A Belgian farmer is working on his farm

He's busy sprinkling blue powder all over the place. As he is doing so, a young boy walks past the farm and sees the farmer.

He asks the farmer: "Farmer, why do you sprinkle this blue powder all over your farm?"

The farmer answers: "This powder is elephant repellant!"

The boy r...
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Why did noone see Zelenskyys balls so far?

Because the light cant escape the gravity well...

PS: You can really assume the mass of his balls indirectly through effect it has on surrounding world.

How do you think the unthinkable?

With an itheberg!

PS: Probably an old repost but I haven't seen it in awhile and it's a favorite of mine.
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Why did the birthday cake go to see the Dr?

It felt crumby!

(PS I like this joke because it taught me how to spell crumby)
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Today I learned why Alzheimer's patients love r/jokes

Because there are no reposts

Ps I'm so sorry.
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I tried to submit a patent for a gold plated butt plug... but Steve Jobs beat me to it.

It turns out, he was already making overpriced toys for assholes.

Ps: joke’s on me, im using an iPhone.

I really like rock puns.

They're something we shouldn't take for granite. I mean, they are pretty solid.

Let's just face it, geology rocks!

PS: I just hit rock bottom, didn't I?
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Politicians go on a vacation

Politicians go on a vacation by bus.
The bus driver gets distracted by the beautiful scenery and drives off a cliff next to a farm.

The following day the police question the farmer:

\- Did you not find any victims?
\- Actually, I did.
\- And where are they?
\- Well,...
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In Leicester City, no one talks about the cold ...

... because of the>! silent "ice".!<

ps: Congrats r/lcfc for winning the FA Cup (:
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I made a pencil with two erasers.

It was pointless...

PS: I actually didn't, but it's my favourite bad joke, and it's my cake day, so I can do whatever I want!

Edit #1: If you didn't see my comment somehow, I feel scammed, because at the time of posting this, I yet had like 2 hours of my cake day left. I guess Reddit d...
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I will never forget my dad’s last words: “Will you stop playing with the bow, Nicholas?!”

PS: it was a joke
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Does Taylor Swift wipe after going poo?

No, she just shakes it off.

PS: please share the tp everyone.
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An old joke

The man was trying to learn swimming and one day was about to get drowned in the pool during practice; he was saved by one of those helping him at the last moment. As they got him out of the water, he looked at the others and said: “I will never get in water again until i learn swimming!”

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Dear Belarusian President Lukashenko

my mother-in-law is taking the next Ryanair flight number 1268 from Paris to Moscow and will be flying over your territory at around 8pm. I distinctly heard her criticising your regime this Sunday at the dinner table. You are welcome.

Ps: not my joke, translated from french
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Did you hear about the new Nazi documents that have been uncovered?

They were conducting experiments involving mixing the DNA of electric eels, dogs, and captured British soldiers.

According to the plans they were quite eel-lab-brit.

Ps: sorry...

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Steve Rogers: Bruce, aren't you worried about getting cancer from the Hulk's radiation?

Bruce Banner: That's my secret, Cap. *pulls out a horoscope* I'm already a Cancer.


PS: I know, Bruce Banner is actually a Sagittarius. Don't @ me, bro.

As a 39 old guy, I felt proud for coming up with this joke. (My 8-yr old ugggghhhhh'ed at it)

Q: Why did fifteen (15) started running away?

A: Coz he heard "thirteen fa(u)rtin.."

^(PS: You have to say it) *^(just)* ^(right)
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A virgin man and a virgin woman...

A virgin man and a virgin woman who never saw anyone from the other sex naked before, were riding on a camel through the desert. Then in the middle of the desert, the camel stopped walking and was tired, it was hungry, thirsty and there wasn’t any water or food. They waited for a while, but the came...

If Peter Parker's webs are made out of spider silk ,then what is Miles Morales webs made out of ?


PS: I am black , so yeah , don't fill my inbox.
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Where do cats go when all nine lives are up?


Ps: this joke works in French, Spanish, and Italian, as far as I’m aware.
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What's the difference between God and a doctor?

When God is angry, he sends you to the doctor.

When the doctor becomes angry, he sends you to God.

( PS: I translated this joke from my native language to English. Would've sounded better if I delivered this joke in my native language.)
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Healthy German

What did the health conscious german say, when he entered Whole Foods?

Gluten Morgen

PS: First time posting an original.
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What's the difference between dad jokes and bad jokes?

The first letter.

PS: as a dad I'm allowed.
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Why are black peoples hands and feet white?

Because those parts are meant for workin'

PS: Racism is wrong.

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Guy has a massive headache and its not responsive to any medication.

After doctors researching whats wrong with him for months they finally cone to conclusion. They called the guy and deliver the news. Doctor says;

-Its good news, found the problem.

-What is it doc?

-We need to remove your penis.

Guy looks sad. But after some consideration...

What is common between a depressed man and a snake?

Both were found hanging from a tree.

PS: A Suicide joke kills on itself. Not here for validation.
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What do you call a pregnant Lara Croft's husband?

A Womb Raider!!!

PS: Quarantine = Time for Dad jokes
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A large woman walks into a clothing store

wanting to impress her boyfriend, and asks "I want to see the large petite clothes."

Puzzled, the sales assistant responds, "Mam, I don't think we have anything to fit..."

"Found it!" says the woman, and goes to the petite section.

After a few minutes of the woman not fi...
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[NSFW] Little Johnny asked his grandfather if he could have a cookie from the cookie jar

Grandfather: “Can your dick touch your ass?”

Johnny: “No.”

Grandfather: “Then no cookies for you.”

A number of years later, when Johnny had grown up and was visiting his grandfather again, he asked, “Hey, can I have a beer?”

Grandfather: “Can your dick touch your ass?”>...

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I came home from work today to find my wife and her two fat friends eating doritos on the couch..

I mumbled under my breath "fat fucking cows" she said "what did you just say?!" "You herd"

PS: obligatory repost after reading the other joke in the frontpage

What's the surest sign that you need to find a new barber?

The pile of swept-up ears in the corner.

>!PS: I found this in the game Poptropica.!<
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Set your wifi password to idontknowit

So you can irritate people.

PS: Is it repost if it's your own post/comment?
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A woman walks into the kitchen and sees her husband drinking from a shot glass at 7am...

Her:”A bit early to be drinking isn’t it?”
Him:”It’s tea”
Her:”What kind of tea do you drink from a shot glass?”

From my 10 year old son.

Ps. I can stop drinking anytime I want.
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Nissan is rear-ending a Jeep in England.

Immediately from the Jeep are jumping two huge americans. They go over to the other car, pull the guy out, and start beating him. He is starting to scream:
"Come on, guys, stop!"
They continue.
He tries to stop them again, but they don't listen.
Then he says:
"Come on, guys, please st...
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What do you call a group of California Highway Patrolmen with chewing tobacco?

CHiPs and dip.
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Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson decide to go on a camping trip

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson decide to go on a camping trip. After dinner and a bottle of wine, they lay down for the night, and go to sleep.

Some hours later, Holmes awoke and nudged his faithful friend.

"Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see."

Watson replied, "...
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What is a German group called when they can´t get into the club?

Sour Krauts.

Ps: I am a German myself.
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Why did Einstein married his cousin?

Because it was all relative!

PS: Inspired from a comment on TIL about Emma Noether!
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An American and Mexican business men talk about getting rich

There is a conference in DC and a Mexican and American guy meet and talk about highway infrastructure projects. The American invites the Mexican to his home. They show up in a Cadillac where the American invites him inside and they go up to the second story balcony. He points below and says, see tha...
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A priest walks into a hotel

A priest walked into a hotel in the month of march and asked the manager- "is room no. 39 empty?

Manager- yes it's empty. You can take it

Priest: ok

Manager: And yes my room right in front of room 39 so if you face any difficulties just call me

Priest: ok and pls send a k...
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The patient goes to see a doctor: “I am pooping like noodles!”

“Like literally, my poop is shaped like noodles,” the patient says as he sits down in the consulting room.

Doc is dumbfounded. In all his years of training and practice, he hasn’t encountered a symptom like this. He thinks hard and prescribes some antibiotics, hoping they will solve the probl...

The price of real estate in my neighbourhood has become so expensive only cats can afford it.

You need 9 lives to pay it off.

Ps - should this be in /showerthoughts?
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What do you call a fan who dies with an erection ?

A die 'hard' fan.

PS - 1st joke here.I am sorry.
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Dark (Netflix Series)

I showed it to my daughter






Now is she is my mother.

PS: it was a comment on YouTube, i laughed pretty hard at it, thought i should share.
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The only thing more Irish than a potato is...

The lack of even a single one.

PS: No offense.
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A crying jewish man goes to the synagogue

He stumbles to the floor and just lies there, sobbing and crying.

Suddenly he hears a voice from above: "What's wrong my child?".

"Oh", cries the man, "it is horrible. My son got baptized."

"Happened to me too", says the voice. "In the end I had to write a New Testament".
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Geographical puns are below me.

There's Norway I'd go Oslo that.

Ps: Sorry, I was a Lillehammer'd when I thought of this.
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James visits his friend Henry's house

James visits his friend Henry's house, where Henry's girlfriend Rita answers the door wearing a towel.James almost instantly says, "I will give you 200 bucks if you show me one of your boobs."

"Okay, But no touching!" she says showing him her left boob.

"I will give you another 200 buc...

They were so ashamed of what they were doing

A plane crashed on an island. Only two men and one woman survived.

A week goes by and the woman started to feel so ashamed of what they were doing so she killed herself.

Another week goes by and the men felt so ashamed of what they were doing they decided to bury the woman.

A we...
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Have you heard of the rapper showing off cryptocurrency?

He calls himself blockchainz.

PS. Please be forviging. Haha!
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Why can’t you poison a frog?

Because they are an anti**toad**

Ps. I’m on very strong meds and thought this was worth sharing
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A hillbilly walked into an attorney's office wanting to file for divorce.

Attorney: "May I help you?"

Hillbilly: "Yea, I want to get one of those dayvorces".

Attorney: "Well do you have any grounds?"

Hillbilly: "Yea, I got about a hundred acres."

Attorney: "No, you don't understand, do you have a case?"

Hillbilly: "No, I don't have a Cas...
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How to create your very own Bermuda triangle?

1. Surround yourself with relatives.
2. Submerge in their expectations. Watch all your hopes and dreams disappear!

PS:- Extra effective if you are Asian, especially Indian!

Edit : True Story.. I am an Indian and I approve this >\_<
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I went to the therapist for my fear of ghosts

*After few weeks*

Me:I have conquered my fear of ghosts

Therapist:Good, that's the spirit

Me:Oh shit, where?

PS:Stole this from Twitter;)

What do you call a labrador that becomes a magician?

A Labracadabrador.

PS: Google assistant
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How come balloons don't do drugs?

Because they're afraid of getting high and getting busted

PS: Heard in a TV show and wanted to share the laughter to everyone in here.
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Electromagnetism conference

I used my friend Michael's identity to enter an electromagnetism conference.

I was Michael for a day.

PS: my first oc joke, please be kind.
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A priest owns poultry

A cock is missing.
He runs around looking for it and reaches the sunday mass, where he asks - anyone has a cock? All men say yes.
No, no he says, I mean has anyone seen a cock, rephrasing? All women say yes.
No no he says, now agitated, has anyone seen my cock! All the nuns raise t...

Why is it hard to explain puns to a kleptomaniac?

Because they take things literally.

Ps - Yes, I stole this joke
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Why do we only eat Turkey for thanksgiving?

Because the Armenians are all dead

PS: I am going to hell for this
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( Nsfw )i am iraqi and ill translate a joke my brother told me plz dont mind the bad grammer

A guy who lives in the countryside one day went to the city and he saw how diffrent things are there
In the city he meet some people and one of them told him about blow jobs and how it happens
So after he went back he told his wife to feed the kids
She did
He told her to make the kid...

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God invited three presidents - Putin, Lukashenko and Trump - to his place.

"I need to have a very important conversation with you later. So, make yourselves at home, I have a magic swimming pool with a high diving-board, just say a word, and all the water from the pool turn into that", said God, "Just look! Orange juice!" And all the water instantly became orange juice....

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In some small town, there was a military base next to a small farm. The NSA got reports that the farm has been listening all the bases communications. So bunch of NSA agents show at the doorstep of the farm. One young agent goes to the farmer and tells him:

"I am from the NSA and we have repo...

A guy was arrested for downloading a poorly rated movie.

It had only a rating of 3.14 on IMDB. But then again, it is illegal to download a pie-rated movie.

Ps: not my joke. Heard it today.
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A Blonde hard up for cash kidnaps a kid at the park.

She writes a random note:

“I have your son. If you want to see him again, tonight leave a bag with $500 under a park bench by the pond.

PS. No cops!

- Blonde.”

Realizing that she has no idea where to send it and not wanting to expose herself in the first place, she sm...
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A kid walks into a kitchen...

... and ask: "mom, what's for breakfast?"

"Look, just because I sleep with your dad, it doesnt mean that you can call me "mom""

"Ok, so what am I supposed to call you then?"

"Just as usual, "Steven""

PS. Sorry for any grammar mistakes, english is not my native language
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How do you know if you are talking to a vegan?

Don't worry. They will interrupt you mid-sentence and tell you.

PS: Ooops. Not OC.
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Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself?

It was two tired.

PS: Saw this somewhere on Facebook not my original.
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4 million of these people enter our country every year. They are uneducated, unskilled, and contribute nothing. They are a burden to honest, hardworking Americans and our government is doing nothing to stop them, not to mention they're dirty and they smell bad. THEY DON'T EVEN SPEAK ENGLISH!!

Man, I hate babies.

PS: Not mine, but heard from a comedian, whose I dont remember the name :)
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I was walking down Fifth Avenue today and I found a wallet

I was gonna keep it rather than return it.

But I thought: "Well, if I lost a hundred and fifty dollars, how would I feel?"

And I realized I would want to be taught a lesson.

PS:- This was a joke cracked by Emo Philips way back in t...
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I work in the hole punching business. You can call me at 1-800-448-2-463.

I always leave a good first impression!

PS. I work for a printer\publisher and thought of this one while I was punching holes today. I hope the punchline isn't too convoluted.
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I gave my russian wife a shirt..

but all she did was iron curtains.

PS: Found a similar comment.
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Once upon a time in an old magical kingdom, there lived an young monk called Sam...

His order was renowned for their beautiful choral
singing. They trained, hours every day, refining
their voices and their art. Their song floated
down the mountainside, enriching the lives and
souls of the townspeople below

Sam was particularly gifted, and on his 19th
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My friend finally got married at 45...

I asked him how his wedding night was:

- I fucked up so bad! When we were done, I got a 100$ bill and left it on her nightstand out of habit!
- Shit, what happened?
- That's when it got worst. She gave me back change!


PS. Roughly translated from my native language...

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Cop approaches Mickey Mouse and says “ Someone urinated in...

Cop approaches Mickey Mouse and says :

“ Someone urinated in the snow in front of your house and it reads ‘Fuck Mickey’. We ran test and we have some bad news, it’s Goofy’s urine.




Even worse it’s Minnie’s handwriting"

PS:- Found this gem am...

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My dad was complaining to me that mom wants him to buy all new ornaments for Christmas.

I said, "Sorry, dad. I guess your old balls just aren't good enough for her any more."

(PS: This actually happened)

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