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My three year old daughter made this up...what did the potty training robot say?

Pee poop pee poop.

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They tried to cash in on Chuck Norris’s popularity by making a potty training seat for toddlers with Chuck Norris’s image on it.

But it failed miserably, because Chuck Norris doesn’t take shit from anyone.

Potty Training

Potty training my toddler can be likened to the maiden voyage of the Titanic...

At the beginning we are hopeful and excited but by the end everyone’s crying and wet.

Dad potty trains his son.

"Son, if you want to pee like a big boy, then you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: unzip.
Step 2: pull it out.
Step 3: pull the skin back.
Step 4: pee.
Step 5: pull the skin forward.
Step 6: put it back in your pants.
Step 7: zip up"

Some tim...

How does the computer programmer potty train his son?


When you start potty training a child...

...you take them out of wetness protection.

My son finished potty training today!

I mean, he’s 31, but better late than never!

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You know how there is book for potty training called "Everybody Poops"

There should be a book on dealing with people called "Everybodys Full of Shit"

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a little boy is being potty trained by his parents.

All starts going well except when in restaurant, the kid shouts "I need to pee!"

Embarrassed, the parents come up with a new idea. They tell their son "from now on, when you need to pee, just say you need to whisper". The son likes the idea. When he needed to go, he would say "Dad! I need to ...

Why didn't the Tenth Doctor like potty training as a kid? [spoiler I guess?]

He didn't want to go.

The baby is great. My wife and I just started potty training.

Which I think is important because when we want to potty train the baby, we should set an example.

a guy thing..

My three year old son had a lot of problems with potty training; and I
on him constantly. One day we stopped at Taco Bell for a quick lunch
between errands.
It was very busy, with a full dining room. While enjoying my taco, I
smelled something funny, so of course, I che...

My son recently started an apprenticeship with one of the local plumbers

I love the look on his face when I tell friends, family, and anyone who will listen that he’s currently being potty trained.

whats the difference between Amber Heard and my Dog?

My dog is potty trained.

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Training A Puppy

We brought home a new puppy on October 29. I told the family that the puppy has to be trained in one month. I said the family rule starting November 29 is that any piss or shit on the floor means a night outside.

Sure enough, I came home last night and found piss and shit on the floor. I knew...

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