What do you call a psychic that enjoys exercising moderation?
A happy medium.
(Came up with this in the shower this morning and chuckled.)
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Moderation is a very good thing!
It's so good, in fact, that I've given it up for Lent.
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Have you guys heard about the new store called moderation?
*They have everything there!*
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A man struggles to not use Train metaphors
"No more!" he swore to himself. "Today's the day I finally change my one-track mind! Oh. Ok, I'll let that one go, but no more!"
He entered the meeting. Several minutes passed.
"Everyone let's try not to get off track." **Damnit! I did it again. That's the last one!**
"What I me...
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Kids are like drugs.
In moderation they can be super fun, but If that's all you do and talk about... You're going to lose some friends.
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This joke may contain profanity. 🤔
I don’t quite know what it is about tight fitting shorts that turns me on so much.
Normally I wear a size L.
I wore a size M and it felt great at the start but the novelty soon wore off. I thought I’d really spice things up by squeezing into an S.
It was deeply erotic but they stopped the blood to my legs and hurt my testicles.
So I went to the doctors and ...
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This joke may contain profanity. 🤔
A man named Ted is unable to put alcohol down.
His thirst for liquor is unquenchable. All he does every day is drink and drink. Rum, tequila, beer, vodka, he has it all. Doesn't matter how it tastes or looks; he'll down it.
At first it started out at a simple party at Dominc's place. His best bud, Bob, invited him so he couldn't say no. P...
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