introspectionsense of selfdepressionanxietylev vygotskyprivate speechmonologueconsciousemotionself-imageschizophrenicsubvocalizationinner criticmindfeeling

Little Voice

"Doctor! My wife has lost her voice. What can I do to help her get it back!"
"Try coming home at 3 in the morning."

An employee is absent.

The boss wondered why one of his most valued employee was absent without giving any prior notice. Needing to have an urgent work problem resolved, he dialed the employee's home phone number and was greeted by a child's whispered, "Hello."

"Is your Daddy home?" he asked.

"Yes," whispere...

A receptionist at a law office picks up the phone.

"Can I speak to Mr. Green please?" A little voice at the other end asks.

"Oh, I'm sorry," the receptionist says, "Mr. Green died last week."

"Thank you." The little voice then hangs up.

The next day, the phone rings again. The same little voice asks, "May I speak to Mr. Green, p...

New Pet

A single guy decided life would be more fun if he had a pet.

So he went to the pet store and told the owner hat he wanted to buy an unusual pet.

After some discussion, he finally bought a talking centipede,
which came in a little white box to use for his house.

He took the bo...

A man goes to see his doctor.

The doctor asks him what the problem is.
The man says, "I'm really not sure how to describe it. I guess the best way is for you to hold your stethoscope to my thigh and have a listen."
The doctor holds his stethoscope to the man's thigh and hears a little voice say, " Hey man, can I borrow $2...

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A doctor had just finished a marathon sex session with one of his patients. As he rested afterwards, he felt a bit guilty...

He thought it wasn't ethical to screw one of his patients. However, a little voice in his head said, "Lots of other doctors have sex with their patients, so it's not like you're the first..."

This made the doctor feel much better until another voice in his head said, "..... but they probably ...

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A married man was visiting his “girlfriend” when she suggested that he shave his beard. “Oh Ken, I like your beard, but I would really love to see your handsome face.” Ken replied, “My wife loves this beard, there is no way I could shave it, she would kill me!!”

“Oh please?” the girlfriend asked again in a sexy little voice. Ken sighed and finally gave in and shaved his face smooth.

That night Ken crawled into bed with his wife while she was sleeping. His wife woke up, reached over and felt his face and said, “Oh Tony, you shouldn't be here, my husba...

A man goes to buy a clock.

He's browsing in the clock shop. Suddenly he hears a little voice "Get digital you probably can't read analogue."
Startled, he looks around. Nobody is there.

A few minutes later, he hears another little voice "Your shoes belong in a museum!"
He spins around. Noone there.

As he ...

A guy sits down at a bar alone having a drink, munching on the bar's bowl of pretzels.

All of a sudden he hears a little voice, "Looking good there, buddy."

Looking around he sees no one within earshot. So he just shrugs it off & goes back to his drink & snack.

A little while latter again he hears a little voice, "And you're a snappy dresser too."

Again lo...

The Peanuts.

A guy gets off work relatively early and decides to grab a pint in a bar on the way home. Since it's before the usual after-work hours, the bar is empty. The bartender serves him a pint, and he settles in at the counter, beer in one hand, bowl of bar nuts close by. Just what a working man needs to t...

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Sex with a patient

Doc Jones had sex with one of his patients and felt super guilty all day. It didn't matter what he tried to get it out of his mind, it was just not happening. His guilt was just too much.

There was that little voice in his head trying to get rid of the guilt. "Jones, Don't worry! You are not ...

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A well dressed guy walks into a bar.

He orders a double Scotch straight up, and relaxes at the bar. It's almost empty at this hour, and the barkeep is at the other end washing glassware. As the man takes a sip of his drink he hears a quiet little voice saying "Nice suit you're wearing". The man looks around and sees no one. He says to ...

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A man worked his whole adult life on an assembly line. Day in, day out, same boring thing. Then one day in the middle of his mind numbing shift he hears a little voice whisper: "*Quit your job, sell your house and belongings, take the money,go to Vegas."* He was startled, but shook it off and went...

Layrnx joke (it's rood)

Whenever I see people who have that little voice box thing in there neck I always think as a gamer, gosh it must suck to have to use push to talk in real life....

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I was checking my testicles for lumps

When I heard a little voice say "the empire state building is 20 ft tall," it turns out they were talking bollocks.

Dr Dave had intimate relations with one of his patients and he is upset.

It was important to him not to have that happen in his career but just once one thing led to another and now he is feeling down and embarrassed.

Fortunately, he has a small voice working to cheer him up. "Don't even worry about it. You're not the first doc this has happened to and you certain...

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A 9 year old girl is playing with her younger sister...

... In the backyard of the house, when the older girl tap on her sister shoulder and point at the neighbor house saying:

_"Oh my god, look the neighbor's wife is giving a blowjob to the mailman under the veranda!

And her innocent sister ask with a cute little voice:

_"What's a v...

Med School

This happened while I was in my first year of medical school. I was taking an exam in anatomy. It was really tough. They asked questions like, "How many bones are there in the hand?" I was stymied. I kept saying to myself, "How many bones are there in the hand?" And then I heard this little voice th...

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A man is heading home

He is in a dark alley, and hears a little voice that asks "Do you want a blowjob for a cigarette?". The man doesn't want to miss such an opportunity and gets his blowjob.

Once it's done, he gives the cigarette to the voice who says "Thanks! Can you light it for me?" So the man lights a match ...

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A man walks into a pet store

A guy goes to a pet store to buy an unusual pet and walks out with a centipede in a white box. Once he gets it home, the guy decides to take the centipede to his local bar and show it to his drinking buddies. He taps on the box and says, ‘Would you like to go to McGuire’s with me and have a beer?’ T...

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