kim jong-unpyongyangkim jong-namkorean languagekim il-sungsongunheir apparentkorean warjuchepersonality cultkim yong-nambbctotalitarianismkhabarovskseoul

What did Kim Jong Il call his Kindle?

The Dear Reader.
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Kim jong il takes Kim jong un on a visit to a food processing company.

Il points at a machine and says: “This one, you put a pig into it and sausages will come out on the other side. The power of science is amazing!” To which Un replied: “ Is there a device then, where you put in a sausage, and pig comes out?”

Kim jong il: YOURMOM
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Kim Jong il is dead?

I guess that's the end of HIS Korea.
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Osama, Ghaddafi, and Kim Jong Il?

Santa must be taking his naughty list a tad seriously this year.
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According to North Korean press, Kim Jong Il has entered a sleeping contest.

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I heard that Kim Jong Un is sick.

I guess that makes him Kim Jong Ill

(I hope this isn't a repost)
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