
Sometimes I hide my girlfriend's inhaler

So the neighbors think I'm a stud when they hear her panting, "Give it to me!"

Sometimes I hide my wife's inhaler....

The neighbours think I am a stud when they hear her panting heavily "give it to me!"

What’s the difference between you and an inhaler?

You’re breathtaking!

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Is that an inhaler in your pants?

'Cause you got that ass ma

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

At times I hide my girlfriends asthma inhaler

just to make her scream
“give it to me, give it to me,”
so that my neighbour thinks I have a great sex life.

It's been reported that Keanu Reeves has been stealing people's inhalers.

In other words, he's breathtaking

Why did the little boy use his inhaler?

"No wheezin'"

Today i stole the inhaler of a kid

It was breathtaking

What do you call a vampire with asthma?

Vlad the Inhaler

Which Slavic ruler was the biggest stoner?

Vlad The Inhaler

The taxi drivers in my town are kinda loopy and a little stupid.

I mean they always recommend I take an Uber next time!? They're always forgetting basic skills like the English alphabet so I have to spell it out for 'em, I've had to show them how to use their inhalers several times and without fail they're always asking if I know why they pulled me over.

My friend just sent me a phenomenal joke and I’m mad at her for being funnier than I am. Suffer with me.

Two guys are walking through the debris of a terrible accident. There are decaying bodies all around. The air is heavy and foreboding. The stench is putrid.

One of them starts having a coughing fit because the smell is so overwhelming. The other guy goes, “hey are you alright? What’s with al...

Blowing up a Balloon.

My niece had a premature baby that spent 2 weeks on a ventilator because her lungs were not fully developed yet. She continued to have breathing problems as a toddler and needed to you inhalers to get enough oxygen.
On her 3rd birthday, she insisted on helping her mom decorate for her party. And ...

Asthmatic people are so aggressive

This girl was punching and kicking me and kept on gasping and making noises.

All I really did was take her inhaler.

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