
A guy goes ice fishing

He finds a suitable spot and starts to auger a hole. Just then he hears a booming voice from above:

“There’s no fish there!”

Guy freaks out, grabs his stuff in a hurry, finds another spot, starts a-drillin’.

“There’s no fish there!”

Really getting spooked, hightails it ...

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Whoops - I didn't know (NSFW)

A man stumbles out of the bar blind drunk and begins to walk home...

Halfway home he really needs to pee so he goes into some bushes, whips out his pen1s and starts peeing. All of a sudden he notices a naked man jump right up and bolt out of there, hightailing it down the street...


On a warm summer morning, a family of ducks and a family of skunks are crossing a country road when...

without warning, a car barrels over a hill and into the path of the animals wiping out both families except for one baby duckling and one baby skunkling. The pair hightail it off the road and find refuge in a hole in a tree. They decide to stick together and support each other in order to survive. T...

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Mr. Becker was a cantankerous old Farmer

But he owns some best Land in the valley for Deer hunting. People had asked permission to hunt on his land forever and always ended up hightailing out of there to escape the barrage of expletives hurled at them and a potential for a dusting of rock salt out of his shotgun.

My buddy Cory an...

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Rooty the Rooster [NSFW]

Farmer John found himself in a bit of a rut. His crops weren't yelding like they use to, cattle prices had hit an all time low, and he was really strapped for cash. After discussing it with Mrs. Farmer John, they decided to salvage what they had, sell the farm, and move to greener pastures. He kisse...

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