greenishgreennessverdantgrassylawnherbageweedherbcouch grassgreengreenerygreenlygreenfoddergreenygreenishness

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Looking for similar jokes to 'Does a bear shit in the woods?'

Hey /r/jokes,

Looking for some sarcastic one liners. All I got so far is:

* Does a bear shit in the woods?
* Is the pope catholic?
* Is grass green?
* Is the sky blue?
* Is the tin-mans cock made of sheet metal?
* Does Dolly Parton sleep on her back?

A little boy and his grandfather...

...were walking through a meadow on a beautiful summer day.

"Grandpa," said the boy, "why is the grass green?"

The old man shrugged. "No idea," he grunted.

Then the boy asked, "Grandpa, why do the flowers smell so nice?"

"Beats me," said the old man.

"Grandpa, wha...

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