concentrateeccentricityparabolacenterfocusrefocusfocalfocalizationconcenterepicentreconvergentsecond world warpointedlyprefocuspunctilious

I suggested an awesome product name and slogan for marketers of a data file decompression utility, but they wouldn't take me up on it.

The company's stupid focus groups thought it was inappropriate.

I mean, come on, what's wrong with:

"SIGH unzips"?

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

USPS considers Trump stamp.

During the summer of 2018, USPS was considering issuing a stamp with Trump’s likeness on. The thinking was that his avid 39% supporters would buy more of the stamps than needed. The idea was scrapped when members of focus groups who did not support Trump were confused about which side they should s...

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