What's the difference between a 'hippo' and a 'Zippo'?
One's really heavy, and the other's a little lighter. - [*Masai Graham*](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-34039927)
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How many Scots didn't turn up to vote?
One in Fife
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What is the average height in Scotland?
Fife eleven
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So two orchestral conductors were walking down the road...
One turns to the other and says: "Was that your piccolo player I saw you rehearsing with last night?"
The other conductor replies: "That was no piccolo! That was my fife!"
*I'll see myself out. Ow! Stop throwing things.*
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Fighting budgie (long)
This poor man walked into a pub, hoping that someone would buy him a free pint. He sat there for ages until someone finally came over and gave him a raffle ticket. The ticket was entered into a draw and he won a budgie in a massive cage. The poor man sat there and said to this guy "Now what the bloo...
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During the Revolutionary War...
During the Revolutionary war Jim volunteered to fight against the British. There was one problem though, he was too old to fight effectively on the battlefield and as a result decided to put his musical skills to use and played the flute to direct troop movements. Everything went well until one day,...
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One day some fisherman caught tons of fish called tench...
One day some fisherman caught tons of fish called tench. The fisherman couldn't eat them all so they gave them to the Mayor of the town. The Mayor wasn't sure what to do with them, so he had an idea; he would have a fish-eating competition.
After several rounds, two finalists emerged: Mr. Hic...
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This joke may contain profanity. 🤔
6ft Asshole
So I was headed to work this morning and I was running late. I had the cruise set at 80mph and I crested a hill and there sits a cop running his radar. Needless to say, he lights me up and I get pulled over. Cop walks up and asks, "What's the rush... Where you headed in such a hurry?" "I'm ...
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