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A Viking is out shopping when he comes across an old woman in a wheelchair crying.

"What's wrong?" asks the Viking.

"Well," the woman says, wiping her tears, "I have been living on my own for many months now, and my daughter and son-in-law have at last come to visit me. My daughter has brought me along on this shopping trip, but it's the first time I've really been out and ...

Have I ever told you the story about the organ donor?

It's really disheartening.

Preston: Knock Knock!

Mom: Who's There

Preston: Preston.

Mom: Preston who?

Preston let out a disheartening sigh as he walked away from the door, knowing his mother's Alzheimer's was getting worse.

Back when I was in high school, I worked at a grocery store as a stockboy.

One of the "long time fixtures" there was a homeless guy who would sit outside and ask for change. He was there every day, from opening of the store until closing, without fail.

Several months after I started, the owner decided to go in a new direction with the store and wanted to increase wo...

Steven Yeun makes Oscars history as first Asian American to be nominated for best actor.

Which is honestly disheartening because there are so many Asian American actors in the past who had performances that deserved best actor.

Like Mickey Rooney in "Breakfast at Tiffany's"

A surgeon just removed my son's cardiac muscle.

That's disheartening.

Never perform an organ transplant on a frog.

It's very disheartening and they usually croak.

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