karl marxcuban revolutionrevolutionarymartyrfidel castroimperialismmarxismsoviet unionernesto guevararevolutionistanti-imperialismclass struggleland reformpablo nerudaalbert camus

What did Che Guevara get stuck in his hair?

Guerrilla glue.


I asked my grandmother for "something Cuban" for my birthday, and she had got me a Che Guevara shirt.

Clothes, but no cigar.

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A note to a priest (Long).

A young priest was about to lead his first mass. Because he was nervous, the bishop told him to put a bit of vodka in the wine and drink a bit before the mass. The priest did that.

Then his memory shuts out, and after a few hours, he wakes up with a note saying:

"My son, I have a few ...

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