
A blind girl walks into a museum and stops at the King Tut display.

She grabs her seeing eye dog and starts swinging him over her head in a circle.
A man tackles her and they both fall to the floor.
Why the hell did you do that? she exclaims...I was just having a look around.
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Did you know Kint Tut had struggles growing up?

One day he woke up and found out his Daddy was a Mummy.

*- As Told By My Son*
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What was King Tut known as in the wild west?

Rootin' Tutankhamun
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What does a trumpet have in common with King Tut?

They have the fact that both toot in common
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If King Tut had traveled to Japan

there's a good chance he would've been... poopin ramen.

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Little Tut is having a Hieroglyphics class in Ancient Egypt.

The teacher dictates: "Our Pharaoh, King of the Kings, Son of Ra, strong as a crocodile and manly as.."
And Tut, from the back of the class, asks:
-How many balls is "manly" spelled with?

Archaeologists have revealed how King Tut died

Records indicate he was found naked, with a rope around his neck.

They determined the cause of death was Auto Erotic A-sphinx-iation.
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Some People Believe...

Some people believe that the best pizza is from New York. Some believe that pizza from Chicago is best. Others believe that the best pizza is from Italy. However, according to the most recent findings, the *best* pizza may have been lost to the ages. New archeological findings suggest that the golde...
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Are you a fan of King Tut?

Me too! Well, at least we have Tutankhamen
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A rather confident 007 walks into a bar

A rather confident 007 walks into a bar and takes a seat next to a very attractive woman. He gives her a quick glance, then casually looks at his watch for a moment. The woman notices this and asks, "Is your date running late?"

"No", he replies, "I've just been given this state-of-the-art wat...
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A huge bloke decked in full hunting gear and with an entire dead wildebeest over his shoulder made his way to Nairobi airport.

As he approached the desk the airline attendant noted the wildebeest carcass but more alarmingly noticed that the suitcase he was dragging was bulging sporadically and clearly contained something large and very much alive. Feeling slightly nervous but determined to do his job the attendant challeng...
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Englishman a Scotsman and an Irishman are on a train compartment, drinking and being loud together. At the next stop an elderly priest and a beautiful woman get on and sit across from the three.

As the train gets under way, the priest looks at the three with distain and says, "Have ya any decency between ya? You three look like a right pair of fools, but I'll give 50 quid to any of you that can name the three main characters of the Bible." The Englishman pipes up and says, "The three Kings?...
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Which Egyptian Pharoah was the most judgemental?

King Tut Tut
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Wendy was a prostitute.

Wendy was a prostitute and didn't want her granny to know.
One day police came across the brothel that she worked at and ordered all prostitutes to stand in a line, so that they could take their names one by one.
Suddenly, granny comes along and notices Wendy in the line which was now lead...

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The Dogs

Three dogs were sitting in the waiting room at the vet's, discussing why they were there. The first dog, a poodle, told his woeful tale.

"My owners bought the great new sports car with leather seats. They took me for a ride in it one day, and I was so excited, I couldn't help myself. I we...

I walked into the Doctors Surgery and he said to me, "Pick a star sign, any star sign.

" "Capricorn." I replied.

"Yeah, right," he tutted. "As if I'm about to tell you that you have Capricorn. Try again."
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Lettuce leave

Ashen faced Joe Smith goes to see his doctor.
“Doc I have a piece of lettuce coming out of my ass.”
The doctor gravely does an ass exam with much tut tutting, poking and prodding.
“What’s going on Doc? Is it serious?”
“Well Mr Smith. I have some bad news. Unfortunately, it’s just the t...

Would you like to hear a german joke?

Tut mir leid so ein Ding existiert nicht

Edit 1: Grammar
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A man is suffering with very bad headaches

So he eventually goes to see the Doctor who offers him a solution. ‘The good news is that I can cure your headaches,’ says the Dr. ‘The bad news is that it will require castration. You have a very rare condition which causes your testicles to press against the base of your spine. It’s this pressure ...

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