transgenderwomantransphobiagender dysphoriatransmisogynyracismgenderlibidofemalequeerestrogenmedicalbreastpassingculture

Why did the trans woman go by she/her?

Because her/she was trademarked.

Friend: “I heard one of the beer companies put a trans woman on their beer can.” Me: “Anheuser Busch?”

Friend: “I don’t know, I couldn’t see her bush.”

A trans woman took her artwork to an art constat.

It was a series of lifelike paintings and sculptures of catholic nuns, done using only the best of materials. There were a lot of good entries to be sure, but every one she entered, she won easily.

When the judges were asked why they all couldn't help but give her gold, they answered,

Why did Iron Man become a trans woman?

Because she realized she was Fe-male!

I came out to my Asian parents as a trans woman and told them I have a boyfriend named Shane.

I think they are taking it pretty well. They said they did't have a son and I would bring Shane to the family.

A trans woman complained about having her makeup done without her consent.

"I told him not to do it but he did anyway!"

But the guy who did her makeup told his side of the story:

"You DID consent. I asked if I could do it and your exact words were 'I'll pass, thanks.'"

A MtF Trans woman goes to a Halloween costume party...

But she shows up in her regular clothes. The party goers ask "did you forget this was a costume party?"

She replies "Oh I remembered. I'm dressed as one of the X-Men."

What do you call a trans woman who's laughing?


Dr: Sir, I have some bad new for you.

Trans woman: uhm excuse me, I am a woman!

Dr: ah ok ma'am, you have testicular cancer.

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