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Mr. and Mrs. Potato had three daughters who were as upstanding as they were lovely. One day the first daughter came home and exclaimed, “I have an announcement to make.”

“And what might that be?” said Mother, seeing the obvious excitement in her eldest daughter’s eyes.

“Well,” replied the daughter, with a proud but sheepish grin, “I’m getting married!”

The other daughters squealed with surprise as Mother Potato exclaimed, “Married! That’s wonderful! An...

A potato dad is talking to his potato daughters about who they want to marry.

The first daughter says, "Dad, I want to marry a Yukon Gold!" The dad replies "Honey, that's a great idea. Yukon Golds are renowned for their versatility and will make you very happy.

The second daughter says, "Dad, I want to marry a russet." Dad approves of this choice too, since russet pot...

There is a family of potatoes, and one day...

There is a family of potatoes, and one day the eldest daughter walks in the front door, and exclaims "Daddy, Daddy, I'm getting married!" The father asks who she is marrying and she tells him she is getting married to a Yukon Gold. They father gets a big smile on his face and says "That is a amazing...

There's a mother potato with three daughter potatoes...

All three daughter potatoes have recently gotten engaged and are coming home to celebrate. The first daughter potato gets home and says "Mom, you won't believe it. I'm engaged to an Idaho potato!"

"Oh," says the mother potato, "an Idaho? Well that's a fine tater! Just a great tater! I'm so ha...

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Two women are grocery shopping

One picks up a russet potato and says: "This reminds me of my husbands penis."

The other woman says: "Wow, that big?"

The first woman replies: "No, that dirty."

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