norse mythologythorlightningsindrilokifreyrdeitythunderboltthunderindo-hittitewindrainsnorri sturlusoneitrinorse dwarves

One day, Deadpool joined the Avengers.

One day, Deadpool joined the Avengers. They traveled to a Hydra base surrounded by four barriers.

When they got to the first barrier, Hulk smashed it.

When they got to the second barrier, Tony Stark fired up his Iron Man suit and blasted a hole through it.

When they got to the t...

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A dwarf enters a competition to see who can lift Mjolnir.

Thousands of people try, but of course, fail. Then it's the Dwarf's turn.

Thor himself is in fact in attendance, and takes great amusement when he sees the dwarf waddle up to the hammer.

He squats down, grabs the handle, and using all of his power, lifts the hammer.

The dwarf lo...

[Spoilers] Captain America could always

Lift mjolnir, he just didn’t want to steal Thor’s thunder.

One Valhala morning

But more to the point, it was the morning after the night before; a night given over to drinking too much mead to wash down copious amouts of wild boar and other delights in celebration of Odin's most recent victory.

The God of Thurnder awoke. Feeling quite pleassed with himself after last ni...

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