rejabhadipohthe kampung boysultan of perakberita harianthe dandymatt groeningkuala lumpurbackdorsumwpthe simpsonslatissimus dorsikhitanislam

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It was the mailman's lat day...

... and while going through his route, caring residents would see him and give him a gift for all of his hard work over the years.

He received nothing extraordinary until he reached a house where there happen to live a very attractive trophy wife. She swung the door open upon his revival, ha...

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Sal the boxing promoter gets a call Saturday morning of fight night

ā€œHey boss, itā€™s Joe at the gym. Big Frankā€™s had an accident and broke his thumb. He canā€™t fight for a monthā€
Sal goes into a melt down. Big Frank was his heavyweight prospect and the headline of that nights card in the Big Apple. Faced with refunding the tickets he gets on the phone to all the ot...

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An American, a Japanese, and a Filipino are relaxing along the upper board of a cruise ship.

All of a sudden, the American throws his iPhone to the ocean.

The Japanese, suprised, asked the American, "Why throw iPhone?"

The American replied, "Don't worry man, there are lots of iPhone in the states."

The Filipino mumbled, "Wow, what a waste."

The Japanese went to h...

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A teacher asks the class, "Can anyone use the word 'dictate' in a sentence?" One kid responds, "Hitler was a mean dictator." The teacher says, "Very good, but we're not learning the word 'dictator,' just 'dictate'." Another student pipes up, "The secretary typed while the boss dictated!" The tea...

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