drum and basstechnosyncopationreggaeplasticianbengakode9bbc radio 12-step garagetempasouth londondub musicoldschool junglesound systemdigital mystikz

I take LSD every time I go to a dubstep concert, but it always wears off.

I think it’s because the bass neutralizes the acid
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I got arrested for fishing without a license at a dubstep festival.

The arresting officer yelled "drop the bass!"
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Why are Dubstep musicians so bad at making pizza?

Because they always drop the base!
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How do you call a stupid dubstep?

A Dumbstep.
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How do dubstep DJs masturbate?

They wub one out

What do you call fapping to dubstep?

Wubbing one out.
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I saw a dubstep/ska band the other day

First the drop the bass and then they pickituppickituppickitup
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How many dubstep fans does it take to clean a shower?


1 to actually clean the shower, and 99 to stand around and talk about how filthy it is.
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What Does a Farmer and Dubstep have in common?

They both drop beats!
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What do you call fat dubstep?

Chubby wubby
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What do you call a dubstep BBQ party?

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I was gonna make a dubstep joke...

But I dropped it.
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I overlayed some dubstep to my favorite video of a clumsy fisherman

I synced them up to when they drop the bass.

How many dubstep fans does it take to wash a car?

One hundred and one. Two to wash it, one to dry it, and ninety eight to talk about how dirty it was.
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How are bad dubstep and constipation similar?

Both leave you waiting for the drop.
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What is 11..11..11..11..11..11..11..11?

Spanish Dubstep.

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I asked for no music!

And they still played dubstep music during my MRI.
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Did you know all sheep have similar music tastes?

They all like music types such as Rock and Dubstep. So basically anything that has a lot of baaaaaaass.

When music goes for a walk what does it do

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I once heard a story of a man who played Destiny, trying to get the greatest boots of all time, named The Dubstep Grieves.

He died waiting for the drop.
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what do you call tap dancing with subtitles?

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What kind of music does a rubber duck listen to?

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What's the difference between...

What's the difference between dubstep and a fish on the floor?

Nothing as long as you drop the bass.

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