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I tried to be friends with my computer mouse

But he's too cliquey.

Where did the computer mouse go to get a drink?

The spacebar

And you know I’ve been to a couple spacebars before, they’re all exactly the same. Great food, no atmosphere.

I was having trouble understanding the importance of the computer mouse...

And then it clicked.

My computer mouse isn't working properly

It could type paragraphs, but now it's just randomly slamming its tiny paws on the keyboard.

A Youtuber got extremely famous for catching lots of fish with only a computer mouse...

Turns out it was just clickbait.

Digital Milk

What do you call a computer mouse for a cow?...

a Moose!

Dad my mouse isn't working

I've yet to see a mouse with a job.

My computer mouse stopped working 15 minutes ago, A dad joke ensued.

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