
The US Marines, Delta Force and the Harris County Sheriff's Department are on one of those team building weekends out in the woods.

The US Marines, Delta Force and the Harris County Sheriff's Department are on one of those team building weekends out in the woods.

First night and the instructor says "Right guys. First night out in the woods! Your first test is to go catch your dinner. I want each team to go out and catch a...

Two blond cowboys...

Two blond cowboys (duke and matt) walk into a saloon. While they are at the bar, a man walks in and put an Indian head on the bar. The bartender hands the man $100. The two blond cowboys ask why. The bartender says.

"Indians killed my family. I'll pay a $100 for every Indian head brought to m...

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Cowboy and his horse get ambushed by indians

So this cowboy is riding his horse on the road, when suddenly he's ambushed by dozens of indians, all painted and armed for war, screaming and waving their weapons at him. He looks around, assesses the situation and, knowing what awaits him, sighs and says: "Well, we're fucked."

His horse, wh...

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