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Did you hear the joke about the dentist who loves tooth extraction?


Tooth Extraction

Woman at the dentist: "I'd rather get pregnant, than having a tooth pulled!"

Dentist: "Lady, please make up your mind so I can know how to adjust the chair."

Fergus goes to the dentist and asks about the cost of a tooth extraction.

$85 for an extraction sir," was the dentists reply.

"Och huv ye nay got unythin cheaper," replies the Scotsman getting agitated.

"But that's the normal charge for an extraction sir," replied the dentist.

"What aboot if ye didnae use uny anaesthetic?" asked Fergus hopefully. <...

A couple arrives at the dentist for a tooth extraction.

"No fancy stuff, Doctor", says the man, "No gas or needles, or any of that. Just pull the tooth and get it over with".

"Wow", says the dentist, "You're certainly stoic, which tooth is it?"

The man turns to his wife, "Show him the tooth honey."

My wife's been nagging me to see the dentist about a tooth extraction.

She says getting me to go is like pulling teeth.

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔


A dentist ran out of anesthetic just before the last extraction for the day was scheduled. He gave the nurse a very large needle, instructing her to jab it hard into the patient's butt when the signal was given, so it would take his attention away from the tooth extraction. It all happened in an ins...

At the dentist's

Patient : How much it will be for tooth extraction ?
Dentist : 250$.
P : That much for a few minutes of work ?
D : If you want, I'll extract it very very slowly.

Dentists and an Irish.

An Irish went to a dentist for tooth extraction and first enquired about cost. Dentist said 1200 , the Irish thought it was too much.
After some thought, he asked about cheaper methods.
The dentist said, Yes, it can be done without anesthesia and will cost only 300, but it would be very very p...

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