lower houseupper houselegislaturechairpersonenglandpresidentcanadaquebecitalypro temporesingaporechairmansenate of chilebicameralunicameral

What do you call it when the Speaker of the House is angry?

.... A raging Boehner.

My home stereo system recently got elected as a member of the house of representatives

They're now the speaker of the house

Why didn't Alexa run for Senate?

Because she likes being Speaker of the House.

Alexa for President!

I asked Alexa if she was considering running for President, but she said she was better suited for Speaker of the House.

I'm surprised Trump is on social media all the time

I figured the Speaker of the House would be the Tweeter of the group.

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A man walks into a seedy dive bar in Washington DC.

After letting his eyes adjust to the dimness of the bar, he notices President Trump and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan talking quietly at a corner table.

He orders a beer then walks up to the two and says, "Mr. President, Mr. Ryan, I am a huge fan of yours! What are you guys doing in a sh...

Trump, Pence, and Paul Ryan and traveling together

President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan are traveling together in a presidential convoy. A tornado comes along, sweeps up their vehicle and launches them hundreds of yards away.

When they regain consciousness they realize they've been transported to the m...

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