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What do you call a motorcycle gang made up of ancient bisexual Norse monarchs?

The bikings.

Did you hear about the mute motorcycle gang?

They don't answer to nobody.

Guy dies and is at the pearly gates

St. Peter says: “before I can let you in, you must tell me one selfless act you did while alive”

Guy says “One time i was driving and saw this motorcycle gang harassing a little old lady. I pulled over and went up to the biggest guy punched him square in the face and said - LOOK, if you mess ...

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I've always thought this was funnier due to the fact that I first heard it from my mother.

There's an old woman and she decides that she wants to join a motorcycle gang. So she goes to the bar where the gang hangs out and finds the leader of the gang.
"I want to join your gang," she says to him.
He looks at her skeptically. "Do you even ride motorcycles?" he asks.
"Of course I ...

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