A man says to God, "God, how long is a thousand years to you?"
God says, "A thousand years to me is like a second to you."
"Oh. God, how much is a million dollars to you?"
"A million dollars to me is like a penny to you."
"Oh. God, can I have one of your pennies?"
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The pope's traffic stop
The pope is on tour in the United States. He's sitting in the back of the popemobile, and he says to himself, "You know, this is really getting to be a drag. Every day it's the same crowds, the same homily." Then a light bulb goes on. He says, "Driver, pull over. I'm going to drive for a while. You ...
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Holy Ghost
It's a Sunday morning, and a pastor is talking to the crowd during his homily. He says to the congregation: "alright, so during mass we talk about the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. With a show of hands, how many of you believe in spirits or ghosts?" About half of the crowd raises their hands....
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A Priest, a Preacher, and a Rabbi...
A Catholic priest, Baptist preacher, and a rabbi were known to meet up every week and talk about religion and their respective churches. One week, they were discussing converting people to their faith and each agreed that people are easily manipulated and that it was no true test of skill and that a...
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