
This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

An Irishman has elocution lessons.

He's sick of people thinking he's thick because of his accent. He spends a week in an intensive course and comes out speaking the Queen's best English.

His first day out he goes into a shop and says to the man behind the counter "Hello old boy I'll have a copy of The Times and some cigars pl...

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

A lady walks up to her neighbour’s door uninvited…

And she decides to celebrate what a fantastic year she has had!

So Eileen tells Gladys “Oh it’s been such a wonderful year. My youngest just got into law school!”

And so Gladys says “That’s nice!”

And so Eileen continues “and work has been great! I was promoted back in March act...

An Irishman is sick of people thinking he's stupid.

Because in England the Irish are stupid, Scottish tight fisted and the French smell. So he goes to have elocution lessons. Spends six weeks intensively saying 'how now brown cow' and 'Hark I hear the canons roar. Is it the king approaching.' And he cracks it.

The day after he finishes his cou...

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