A koala was sitting in a tree smoking a joint when a lizard walks up and says "Hey koala what are you doing?"
The koala answers "Smoking a joint, come up and have some." The lizard climbs up and the two share the joint.
After a while the lizard says his mouth is dry and excuses himself to a nearby river to have a drink. The lizard, so stoned, leans over too far and falls in. A crocodile swims out to ...
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A Blonde, a Brunette, and a Redhead were standing on a beach
They had decided the previous evening whilst in the pub to try and swim the English channel. After some dicussion, they decided the quickest way would be to do the breast stroke, so off they set.
One day later the Redhead reached the French coast. Having lost sight of the other two swimmers j...
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An Easter laugh
Moses & Jesus were walking along the shore of the sea.
Moses asked, “You ever wonder if you can still do “it”?”
Jesus replied, “Sometimes. How about you?”
“Yeah. Let’s see if we can!”
Moses turned to the sea, raised his hands and spread them apart. The sea parted and ...
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Jesus and Moses compete who can cross a river faster:
Jesus and Moses compete who can cross a river faster. Moses makes the water split and walks on dry land to the other side. Jesus tries to walk on water, but glug... glug... glug... he starts sinking. "What's the matter?" asks Jesus, "I walked on the water quite well 2000 years ago..." "Well," replie...
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A bard and a priest are trapped amid rising floodwaters.
"What are we gonna do?!" Screams the bard.
"Quick," the priest says,"Give me your guitar!"
"We're going to die and you want to play guitar?!" The bard exclaims.
"Trust me."
And with a single strum, a white light envelops them. When the light clears, they find themselves o...
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an elephant is walking through the jungle when he realizes he's stuck in quicksand and sinking
He reaches out with his trunk and grabs a branch. He attempts to haul himself in but the branch brakes and he begins sinking even quicker. The elephant begins yelling for help and a Mouse runs up "What's wrong Mr elephant?" said the mouse " I am stuck in quicksand and sinking to my Doom.pleas...
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Jesus, Moses, and an old guy are playing golf.
Moses is up first. He lines up his shot, and hits the ball. The ball bounces across the water, and sinks. Moses walks up to the water, parts the water, walks across the dry land to the ball, hits it, and it lands on the green.
Jesus is up...
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Now You Tell Me
A preacher in New Orleans is known to be a good, holy man of God.
One day, while the preacher is at home, a hurricane whips up, with torrential rains and rising waters. His neighbor comes by, saying he's leaving, and would the preacher like ride? The preacher says, "No, the Lord will save me...
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An admiral and a general go fishing...
In a small rowboat out on the lake. A large fish pulls on the line, and the boat flips over. The general starts to swim to shore, but the admiral starts screaming "help, help, help!" and flailing in the water. The general goes over to him, grabs hold, and swims him back to dry land.
Once ther...
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Two old men are sitting in a field.
One turns to the other one and says, "You see that barn over there? That's a nice, sturdy barn. It could weather any storm Mother Nature throws at it. I built that barn with my own two hands, you know. Do they call me John the Barn Builder? No. No they don't." Next, John points to the fence next to ...
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