middle-classcapitalistmaterialisticmerchantbourgeoisieconsumerismmiddle classegalitarianburgherphilistinismconservativebusinesspersonnobilitycapitalisticintelligentsia

Where do bourgeois monarchists get their coffee?


How many Soviets did it take to remove a lightbulb?


One to remove it.

Another to accuse the first guy of being a bourgeois saboteur spy.

Free speech in China

Here is a joke I posted on r/Sino that got me banned from there:

A liberal Western bourgeois bohemian meets with a capitalist Chinese Maoist Communist in a bar. The Western liberal brags to the Chinese communist that in her country, she has so much free speech that she can stream videos to m...

In Russia they don't use a 'royal we'...

Instead, they use a Bourgeois-we

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