
Avril Lavigne could have just called her song Skater boy instead of Sk8er Boi.

Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?
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How many fuq bois does it take to screw in a light bulb?

None it's always lit fam
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I¨ve lost 20% of my couch

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It is Spring time in the Bois de Boulogne.

(all spoken parts to be told in a heavy French accent)

A French man and his young son are on a short spring holiday in the Bois de Boulogne, a very large and beautiful park in Paris.

"Papa papa let's go play in the woods!"

The French man is sitting at a table in the garden w...
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Cheeky Boi

What’s the difference between a Catholic priest and a zit?

A zit will wait until you’re twelve before it comes on your face.
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Roman Bois

Two romans went to a bar, one roman raised his index finger and middle finger to the waiter. When the waiter arrived with two beers, the two romans were mad and went out the bar. One guy told the waiter, "Boi, you are dumb."
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Three bois

Three bois, shuthefuckup, manners, and shit, are driving down the highway when shit falls out the car. Shuthefuckup goes the police station and the officer says “what’s your name?” “Shuthefuckup.” “Hey!” The police screams annoyed. “Where are your manners?!?!” Shuthefuckup says, “Out on the road, sc...

Holla at ya boi!!!

Man I’m so jealous of Jay-Z...

He knows exactly how many problems he has.
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Old country road

A young man walks down country road every day by an old man and his banjo sitting on his porch.

Walking down the country road on his first day of summer, he was carrying chicken wire. The old man asked, “hey boi, where ye goin with that there chicken wire” To which the boy replied, “I’m goin...

So, Jesus and Satan are sitting on a park bench one day

...just chilling, and Satan asks, "Hey JC, what's it called when little chunks of ice fall from the sky? It's not like I get to see it very often."

Jesus says, "Hail, Satan."

And Satan's all like, "YEEEEEAH, BOI!"

And Jesus is all like, "Oh, you."
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What’s the capital city of Yemen?

Yea boi
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If Herodotus was a vlogger

It's ya boi Herodotus back atch ya with another travlog!

So, I was in Delphi, and man, they be real mad with em Spartans.

Not taking sides, just my 2 Drachmae. Maybe my Athenian homies should've toned down their backstabbing a little bit, so that those Spartan hunks didn't have to canc...

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I got laid Yesterday.

His name was life and BOI did he Fuck me Hard.

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