
So My Friend Invited Me to Her Skeleton Crew's Shindig

I was the life of the party.

Most of the staff at the cemetery quit recently

I heard they’ve had to run the place with a skeleton crew.

BREAKING News: Government declares Halloween a nationwide statutory holiday. All workers eligible.

For the first time ever, Halloween will be staffed by a skeleton crew!

did you hear about the ghost ship?

i heard they were only working with a skeleton crew

How did the Halloween store stay open during the labor shortage?

They operated with a skeleton crew.

I don't know why we put up those Halloween decorations at work.

We already have a skeleton crew.

Did you know things are so bad that even Capt. Jack Sparrow has had trouble making ends meet?

He can barely afford to keep a skeleton crew.

I had a horrible nightmare last night

I dreamed that I was attacked by a ship of undead who were nothing but bones.

Fortunately, there weren't very many of them. It was a skeleton crew, after all.

I just realized that the Black Pearl was undermanned...

It was operating with a skeleton crew

Why did the necromancer fail to meet his quarterly sales goal?

He ran his business on a skeleton crew.

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Fish jokes

One fish says to the other, “You drink like a fish.”
The other fish responds, “So do you.”

What did the sardine call the submarine?
A can of people.

What is the best way to communicate with a fish?
Drop it a line.

What fish is best to have in a boat?
A Sailfish.

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