A guy walks in a bar with a full-loaded six shooter
He says:"who slept with my wife" It's silent Than somebody in the back says "You don't have enough bullets"
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A dog wearing spurs, two six shooters and a vest hobbles in through a saloons double swinging doors
He hops on a bar stool and says I’m looking for the man who shot my paw.
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A Guy Walks Into a Bar with a Loaded Six Shooter with 1 in the Chamber
And yells "Who slept with my wife!? I'm gunna shoot that motherfuc***!"
A guy in the back yells back
"You're gunna need more ammo!"
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A dog walks into a bar
As he sits down the bartender comes over “dogs are not welcome here, please leave”. Unperturbed the dog says “gimme a beer”, the bartender pulls a gun out from under the bar, points it at the dog “I’m not warning you again “. The dog simply will not leave so the bartender is forced to shoot the dog ...
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The little Cowboy
A little boy walks into an ice-cream store wearing a cowboy hat and a pair of six shooters.The woman behind the counter can't help smiling at the tough expression on his chubby little face.
“Hello there,cowboy," she says “What can I get for you?"
The kid bellies up to the counter. ...
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