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What’s Sisyphus’ least favorite band?

Rolling Stones
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"Who's Sisyphus?" she asks. You begin to respond: "it's this myth about a guy being punished in the underworld where he has to-"

Her phone rings.

"One second," she says. A few minutes later, she prompts you to continue: "I'm sorry, I cut you off."

You start again. "Sisyphus is a-"

Her phone rings again. "Sorry, one sec."
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I have two copies of the book “The Myth of Sisyphus.”

That way, once I finish one, I can just start the other.
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Sisyphus walks into a bar…

And he asks the bartender for a whiskey.

The bartender asks, “On the rocks?”

Sisyphus just gives him a long, hard look and says, “Buddy, it’s been a long day, and I’m really not in the mood.”
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My friend told me a joke about Sisyphus.

It had me rolling.
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What kind of music is Sisyphus into?

Rock 'n' roll!
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How do Oedipus and Sisyphus greet each other?

- Yo, rolling stone!

- Yo, motherfucker!

How does Sisyphus deal with his boulder falling down the mountain?

He just rolls with it.
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I’ve been trying to learn more about Greek mythology…

… but I keep mixing up Sisyphus and Oedipus. I know one fucked his own mother. The other had to roll a boulder up a hill. And believe me, if you knew my mother, you would confuse those two things as well.

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