
Erectile disfunction support group has been cancelled

Nobody could come
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Me and my wife agree that I am having some erectile disfunction issues.

Our approaches, however, are different. She bought me a pack of Viagra. I bought her a gym membership.

I used to have erectile disfunction..

But nothing came of it.
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I threw a party for people with erectile disfunction

but nobody came.
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Doctor: You’ve got erectile disfunction

No hard feelings.
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Anyone know how to diagnose a guy with erectile disfunction? Anyone?

Come on guys, it's really not that hard
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[nsfw]The hospitals new director is an idiot. He commissioned a huge chandelier for the main lobby that humanizes those living with erectile disfunction. The entire board told him not to do it and that they wouldn't be attending the unveiling.

It's unfortunate because it was well hung, difficult to get up, and nobody came.
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A chap goes to the doctor about his erectile disfunction

A chap goes to the doctor about his erection, and the kindly doctor prescribes him some Viagra. He explains to him that he needs to take it an hour before the act, so the next night the chap gets home early and prepares a romantic dinner for his wife.

He then calls her in the office where she...

What do you call a musician with erectile disfunction?

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I wrote this one myself. (It's better then that redtile disfunction joke)

There was a guy named Shawn and he lived near a really little town in the western plains of Texas. This town was really just a dot along a highway and didn't get much traffic at all. There was one gas station, a diner, and a little dollar store with necessities and household items.

Shawn wor...

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My pet chameleon can't change colours. I'm very worried about him. So I fed him a Viagra.

Because he has a reptile disfunction.

Why couldn't the lizard get a girlfriend?

He had reptile disfunction.
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What do you call it when a Necromancer has issues raising the dead?

Resurrectile Disfunction!
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I feel bad for men with erectile disfunction, but they all seem to be handling it well.

It's like all of them literally can't give a fuck.

What do you call it when a snake gets tangled up?

A reptile disfunction
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Did you hear about the new winter resort that caters exclusively to men with erectile disfunction?

It's called Lake Flaccid.
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You hear about the guy who was accused of jerking off with hand soap for his erectile disfunction?

Well, he finally came clean.

What is it called when a alligator has brain damage?

A reptile disfunction
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Why does Curt Connors have marital problems?

Because of his reptile disfunction
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Did you hear about the dinosaur who couldn’t please his wife?

He suffered from a reptile disfunction.
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What is it called when a statistician can't get an erection?

Percentile disfunction
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Took my chameleon to the vet cause he stopped changing colors.

Doctor says he has a reptile disfunction.
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What do you call it when a group of turtles just won’t get along?

Reptile disfunction.
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Why did the dinosaurus die out?

Erreptile Disfunction.
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Why couldn't the chameleon change colors?

He had a "Reptile disfunction"
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Why was the zombie embarrassed in bed?

He had resurrectile disfunction
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Gecko won't stand

Doc I want my gecko to stand up like the Geico gecko but he can't do it.

Doc: sounds like a reptile disfunction.
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Did you hear about the old chameleon who can’t change color anymore?

He has reptile disfunction
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In the small village the 5G transmitter was built.

Some time after building, the villagers started being angry about it. Soon, they made a petition against it. A secretary comes to the director of the project to inform him about the whole situation.
- Director, you may want to look at this.
- What is this?
- A petition against placing our t...
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With how old the United States' politicians are these days...

... it makes sense that we as a country are suffering from electile disfunction.
Edit for autocorrect
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Why was the crocodile taking viagra?

He was suffering from eREPTILE disfunction.

A man goes to see his doctor.

"Doc, I think I might be depressed. It started a few days ago, I woke up feeling great, flipped on the TV to relax before heading in to work. As I watched the news I just got more and more fatigued, I was almost completely limp by the time I left for work. When I hopped into the car, I turned on ...
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