proprietylatinrhetoricdecorousnessdecencyimpartialitycivilityobjectivityars poeticapolitenessepic poetryinformalitynicetiesdeportmentprofessionalism

We react to a crisis with the utmost decorum.

The shouting and screaming are only coincidental.
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A duck waddles into a hotel’s lobby convenience store…

…and loudly asks the bored clerk, “Hey, where can a guy get some Tic Tacs?”

Incredulous, the store clerk responds to the waterfowl at his feet, “Did you just ask for Tic Tacs?”

“Yeah, Tic Tacs,” says the duck. “Got a date with a smokin’ hot redhead.”

Not knowing for certain how...
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The British have such a command of decorum and aplomb to which we can only aspire.

His Lordship was in the study when the butler approached and coughed discreetly.
"May I ask you a question, My Lord?"
"Go ahead, Carson ," said His Lordship.
"I am doing the crossword in The Times and found a word the exact meaning of which I am not too certain."
"What word is that?" ...

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Lately my husband has started pissing with the door open.

No modesty, no decorum. Pissing with the door open. Do you have any idea how disgusting that is when you're trying to drive.

Everyone is happy when nice things are spoken

Everyone is sad when decorum is broken
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Guy walks into a bank...

He waits in line and gets called to the window of an older teller. When she asks how she can help, he replies, "I wanna open a fuckin' savings account."

The teller is offended and informs him, "Sir, please don't use such language in the bank. Now, you say you wish to open a savings account?"<...

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An old man went to the doctor's clinic where he was stopped by the receptionist

"Good evening sir, how are you today?"

On receiving nothing more than a grunt in return, she continued, "And how may we help you today sir?"

"There's something wrong with my cock!" The old man proclaimed to a room full of patients.

The receptionist was fairly appalled by this ex...

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Surprising the Cows

One evening, as Uncle John and his wife are entertaining guests with cocktails, they are interrupted by little Johnny who has run in out of breath to shout, “Uncle John! Come quick! The bull is f***ing the cow!”

Uncle John, highly embarrassed, takes young little Johnny aside and explains tha...

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A woman named Patty Black finally gets her dream job at the bank

She is told to handle loans, but to get the manager is the loan was strange or asking for an excessive amount of money. After an entire day of nobody approaching her, somebody asks for her attention. It takes her a while to realize, but it is a frog in a suit sitting on the chair in front of her boo...

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The consolation in misery

The caliph of Basra, in the Arabian Thousand and One Nights, had earned a reputation as a cruel and harsh man. His sentences were exceedingly rigorous, his punishments merciless.

The Janissaries presented him inmates every day, and the caliph, after knowing the guilt of each one, decreed the...

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