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The Russian Cossacks were legendary swordsmen.

A man once insulted a cossack.
Enraged, the cossack drew his sword.
There was a flash of silver.

Realising that he was still alive, the man laughed."Ha you missed!"

The cossack gave an evil smile.
"Wait until you try nodding."
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This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

A Russian Cossack, an American Cowboy, and a Mexican Bandito are sitting on a ridge getting drunk at their camp.

After some merriment, the Cossack rises to his feet, throws his bottle of vodka into the air, pulls out his pistol and shoots it and says "Ah, we have too much of that in my country anyway." The Bandito looks at the bottle of tequila in his hand, then throws it, pulls his pistol, shoots it out of th...

Translation of an old Yiddish Joke...

One day in Czarist Russia, a poor old man and his very young daughter were on their way to town. They put all of their possessions in the back of a donkey driven wagon in hopes of selling some of them to make money. As they were traveling, up the road they saw a small group of Cossaks. They braced t...
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