
In order to stop accusations of racism, Trump decides to hire a Mexican immigrant

However, he doesn't feel confortable having him as an employee and calls him over in his office.

Juan: "Why you call me, jefe ?"

Trump: "You're fired!"

Juan: "Que ?! Why ?!!"

Trump: "Because....uh... Because you didn't finish high school!"

Juan: "Oh, no pro...

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A man dies and ends up in hell.

Satan greets him and tells him ''I will show you three doors. You will go trhough one of them and stay there for eternity''

The man nods and Satan opens the first door. There, he sees thousands of people, standing on their heads on hard wood. The man says ''That looks highly unconfortable, sh...

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Female urologist

Yesterday I had an appointment with an urologist for a preventive check up.
For my surprise the urologist was a very hot looking girl.
She noticed that I was nervous and tried to make me feel more confortable:
- Don't worry! I'm very professional and I've seen and done a lot of things. Y...

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