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What did Spartacus say to the cannibal who killed his wife.

Nothing, he's Gladiator.
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This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

How did Spartacus feel after his girlfriend convinced him to try cunnilingus for the first time?


Spartacus and his wife are enjoying a nice dinner with friends when

Out of nowhere a lion leaps onto the table and swallows his wife whole!

Horrified, his friends shout "Spartacus, your wife was just eaten by a lion! Why didn't you do something?"

Shocked Spartacus says "Do something? I was gladiator."
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What's the difference between Spartacus and Hannibal Lector

One of them's a gladiator, and the other is glad he ate her!
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I find it incredible that a man could raise an army, march them halfway round the known world...

...and still not know they were all named bloody Spartacus!
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