
The best private eye

I'm a top notch investigator, I always research everyone throughly. During the day I research their real life activities and understand who they are as a person I call this "Daytime recon" and when the sun goes down I check online to find out about who they are behind a screen and if they are a dang...

What do you call a stock broker that also works as a private eye?

An Invest-igator

How did the private eye use math to find the intent of the crime?

He solved for y!

Thought this one up myself and thought it was post worthy

The wife told me she couldn't take my pretending to be a private eye shtick any more. She want's to split up.

Good idea Karen, we'll cover more ground.

What's the difference between a detective and a pirate?

One's a private eye, and the other is a private-ear

A man in Shanghai named Sam wakes up one morning to find...

A man in Shanghai named Sam wakes up one morning to find that his car, a Mustang, has had all the internal components removed, leaving only a hollow, useless shell. He calls the police and soon an investigative team arrives.

The lead investigator approaches the victim and says "It appear...

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